Cards View Option

Beemgee presents plot event cards on a HORIZONTAL TIMELINE deliberately: so that you can see the structure of your narrative, get an easy overview of the various attributes of your plot in the grid, and see how they are dispersed across the timeline with the HIGHLIGHTer. You adjust the view size by zooming in and out, and you move the timeline by just grabbing it and pulling it left or right.

Nonetheless, some of you have suggested that the more familiar way of presenting cards – that they fill the screen by being presented not in one line but in several – might be easier for you.

Plot section cork board view

To keep things simple and not clutter the screen, we offer the option to fill the screen with cards, which breaks the timeline and lets the cards run onto a next line as soon as the right-hand edge of the screen has been reached. We present this view with the attributes (CHARACTERS taking part, LOCATION, MOTIFS, STORYLINES, etc.) turned off, so no further information is visible other than the card titles.

You can, of course, still drag and drop cards in both the sort orders, CHRONOLOGY and NARRATIVE.

This view of your cards is a FREE feature.

Status: Live